I was insprired to write this article recently after catching the main article image meme of Joesph Gorden Levitt and a awkward teenager who more accurately represents what a nerdy boy may actually look like to everyone else who may not be paying attention to what a real nerd is.

Nerdy boys and nerdy men come in all shapes and sizes and represent the vast majority of every single underdog story sans medical and emotional challenges. You may be surprised but some of the most succesful athletes who appear to be nothing other than touched by the hand of god most likely struggled and felt awkward in social enviroments.  Think Tom Brady college photo to the right! Sorry pal but let's be honest you got good by having to be.

For nerds nothing really comes all that easy except the things that end up mattering the most like intellect, wisdom, critical thinking, effort, patience, passion, love, and the ability to be a great listener. Think about that guy you friend zoned so bad in school growing up or that colleague at work that is so easy to talk to and tell him everything. Sure he may not be THOR on the eyes but if he makes you laugh and is a good listener chances are he too may fit our prototype nerd description.

Nerdy guys and girls get extremely good at compliments as well because we have to, so we practice and practice until we get to the point complimenting another human is in our DNA. We get all the pleasure and enjoyment from doing such so just go with it the next time another guy who may not be the hottest dude at the bar is laying it on you. Never know his story and the balls it took to do so.

FASHION! That's right, this is the reason I wrote this article in the first place. Almost every important fashion trend men have set did not come from the over sized juice head, football star, or roided baseball player. Sorry ladies we know the oversized true religion jeans, striped oxford shirt (untucked) and a terrible choice of some pointy aldo leather shoes just drives you nuts and gets you going but rest assured that trend didn't come from the hunky geek squad. 

Chances are just about every single important and iconic men's fashion trend was started by a guy who had to stand out and wasn't gifted with greek god looks. While the jocks have every single hereditary advantage we nerdy boys have to dig deep and stand out so we wear fitted clothes, take risks, and start fashion trends. By the time we grow in to our looks and awkwardness we're the ones standing out in a crowd.

We know we can't rely on massive pecs and bulging biceps so we stay lean and eat healthy. Another massive advantage we have as we age. Taking flyers on the 25 cent draft beer nights end up being a great decision ladies. More than likely we age well too! 

All we are saying is the next time your thinking about giving THOR a chance why not consider Tony Stark!